Thursday, March 05, 2009

Florida Stuff

I go to Florida for a little warmth and sunshine. Yeah, it didn't do that till yesterday, the day I left. 50's for the most part while I was there. I kept telling myself...'it's not freezing and it's not snowing'.

Our friends belong to the Moose Lodge. I know I know!!! A Moose Lodge? I always equated your Frank Barone type with the Moose....not so! The one they joined is right on the beach...I mean...right there! Good fish fingers at that one. At another, on Sunday, we went for breakfast. 2 eggs any style, sausage or bacon, grits if you want 'em, 2 pancakes or french toast, hash browns, biscuits with sausage gravy and toast. Guess how much. $4.95! Can't beat that with a stick!

Tampa has a nice airport. Best part...these....

Yeah...a place to smoke without having to go completely out of the airport and back in thru security and the maze of concourses. They also have this cool concept. "Cell phone lots" where your ride can sit, at no charge, and wait till you call and say 'pick me up'.

There's a lot of stuff for sale in Florida. Especially homes, and more specifically, homes in foreclosure. They've got it pretty bad down there, economically speaking.

There's a lot of trailer park manufactured home communities.


Pixel Peeper said...

So YOU ARE the one who brought all the cold weather down here!!!

It's 87ºF here today (Easter). Hrumpf!


Peggy said...

Yeah..that would totally be me