Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Playing In The Dirt

We used to have a pool. It was a nice pool and served its purpose for almost 16 years. We got rid of it, and the ginormous deck we had, 2 years ago, when we built the porch addition. A lawn was planted in the crater that was the pool space. Trouble was, you could tell that a pool had been there, and Mr. GreenJeans was not pleased. So, now, he's ripping it up. 1/2 my yard is being roto-tilled as we speak. 

 I don't get it....why would you not till up this little patch of grass? 168 feet of tilling and this green is left? Mr. GreenJeans is scary when he has a plan.

 The early bloom because of that 80 degree stretch we had in early March, and the cold snap at the end of the month may have just damaged my Lilac Bush. It does not look healthy at all.

On the positive front...I'm finally getting the planting beds around the house that I've been nagging suggesting we put in. And the tree to hide the neighbor's shed. The glare off that thing just blinds me when I'm out there.

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