Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Yep....it was 4 years....FOUR YEARS!...since The Storm.
And I almost missed posting about it. I really need to get into blogger mode and get my butt here more often.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Ok, I'm Back
Like, once a week.
Hi out there in UK land who just lurks and never leaves a comment. Y'all come back, now...y'hear.
What the hell happened to August?
I've hardly even Twittered! What's wrong with me?
I've never not posted for a whole month or more.
I'll try and make sure it doesnt happen again.
That is all for now.
Hi Lisa! *waves*
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Can This Begonia Be Saved?
I say YES! !
Another Random
Go ahead. Guess
I'll wait.
Wrong!!!! He's put over 2200 miles on it. Drive much?
Funny thing....The Car related. Offspring #1 came home to pick up her mail, and noticed a new registration sticker *her name on it* came. She opened it, and couldn't figure out why she was getting a new one, since hers was not expired yet, but just thought, oh, well. She ended up leaving, forgetting to take her mail with her. Well, The Spouse comes home that night, sees the opened mail, and registration sticker and wants to know who opened his mail. Like I know, right? I wasn't here. So he takes the sticker and puts it in his mail basket. Two days later #1 comes back to get her mail and is frantic cuz she cant find the sticker. She sees it in his basket and grabs it. Remember, she's still thinking its for her car and she's still confused as to why she received it. Well....she studies it for a second....low and behold....its the registration for the Mustang. The dealer put her name on the paper work, not The Spouses. That's a pretty big screw up. Let's see how long its going to take to get this resolved.
We've got a new pet. Ok, its not a pet, more like a critter. Out back, after dark, The Spouse has seen an animal walking along the fence, from the neighbors yard on the right, to the neighbors yard on the left. He asked me if I'd ever seen it....and I hadn't until the other night when we were sitting out there. It looked like, in the dark, a huge white cat...or a ferret. Last night, the critter was out a little earlier than usual, and he saw what it was. A ginormous SKUNK! Great. Pepe LePew is living under the sheds of the neighbors and we're caught in the middle. Hopefully the town will come out and set a trap....I don't want to be surprised some night, walking around out there and getting sprayed. That would ruin my day, I think.
Ever hear of 'gin-soaked golden raisins' to help with aches and pains and arthritis? Well, we're gonna try it. A bunch of people at The Spouse's office swear by it it. We're gonna do it. I'll let you know what kind of effect they have. Not that we have a PROBLEM with arthritis, but our bones creak, here and there. Sometimes. :-)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Something For Flag Day
Robin Williams As The American Flag : The Coolest One
And I thought this would embed, you'll just have to follow the link.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Guess What I Did Today
And then I walked away.
Hi! person playing with this iPad and reading me!
I was gonna do it on more than one, but I was in a hurry, damnit.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Time For An Update On A Tree
Saturday, June 05, 2010
The New Phone Books Are Here! The New Phone Books Are Here!!!
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
"Ooo Ooo That Smell....
Monday, April 26, 2010
It's Do Or Die Time....Again
Let's Go Buffalo *clap clap clapclapclap*
Let's Go Buffalo *clap clap clapclapclap*
*tosses blue and gold glitter everywhere*
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Now That My Computer And My Modem Are Communicating Again, Here's Some Dyngus Day Pictures.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
It Seems Like Only Yesterday....
Well...here we go again. *sigh*.
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Only Difference Between Men And Boys Is the Price Of Their Toys
Thaaaaaats right, he bought a 2011 Mustang. 412 horsepower, 5-litre V8, 6 speed, In the words of Tim The Tool Man Taylor, ARRRRH ARRRRRRH ARRRG
On a positive note, when thats paid for, I get a new kitchen.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Confession Time
Here goes.....
Last night we left the Sabres game early.
That's right!!!!....we broke a cardinal rule. We left with 4 minutes left and the minute we got in the car and travelled 20 feet in the parking ramp, the couple that was with us, The Spouse and I had a discussion. It went like this.....
- Watch, they'll score now.
- Watch, they'll tie it up now
- Watch, it'll go to a shootout
- Watch, Miller will be awesome.
- Watch, they'll win.
Son of a Bee Sting don't all those things happen.
In our defense, it was a pretty crappy first 58 out of 60 minutes of hockey, the couple we were with had an hour + ride home, we all had to work in the morning the game stared late, and ended late....after 10:00 we didn't want to be stuck in the upper yeah, we shoulda been there earlier, but hey, we were having ribs at Al-E-Oops parking ramp for an additional hour, so we left.
That kinda sucked, but it all worked out.
Monday, March 08, 2010
The Search Is Over
Well, I went a little beyond the whole sideboard thing and just purchased this from Pottery Barn.

I love Pottery Barn. If I could, I'd buy everything they had. I need to win the lottery or something. Its not available for delivery till April 11, so I have to put on my patience pants till then. Well, technically I have to keep them on because I've been wearing them since I ordered Pirate Radio from Borders a couple weeks ago. That movie gets released and shipped tomorrow. AND my new sneakers should be here by Thursday. Man, the Fed-Ex/UPS truck never stops here. Till now :-)
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Two Things That Practically Just Dropped In My Lap Today.
I found THE most comfortable sneaker! I have a hard time finding sneakers that dont hurt my feet. This is why I wear Crocs to work. Yes, I realize that they are
I can tell within 5 seconds after trying on a pair of shoes if they're comfy enough to buy. This was one of those times. I've been wearing them for 3 hours and my feet don't hurt. At all. Brand new shoes. 3 hours. No ouchie. SOLD! I liked them so much, I went to skecher.com and bought another pair.
Thing Two...
Got an email from ChaCha today and it offered a link to this....quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen on the internet. And I've seen a lot of funny things....
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Powder Keggin'
Downtown was bustling. Lots of people. We had lunch at The Pearl Street Grill (pictured here, the hub of the activity) then hit the streets. *as always, click on the pic to make it bigger*
Lots of characters....the Abominable Snowman even showed up.

Here's the incredible Ice Maze. Official dubbed by the Guinness World Book as the largest ice maze in the world. Yeah, I totally stole this picture from The PowderKeg website.

I think this is going to turn into quite a nice festival. Maybe a little earlier in the month might help with the snow and temperature conditions and maybe spread it out a little, but it was really cool to see all those people out and about downtown in the middle of winter. Good job Powder Keg People!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
When The Cat Is Away, The Mouse Turns Into A Slug
- slept in, (till about 8)
- had a cup of tea
- took a nap
- watched a movie....Splendor In The Grass
- emptied the dishwasher
- posted this
I think I'll take another nap, it's been a busy day.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It Doesnt Happen Very Often....
It really sucks to be youse guys!!!!!
Here in The Buff, The B-Lo, The Queen City of the Lakes, The City With No Pity, There's a paltry 3 inches of snow on the ground, there's snowmobile events being cancelled left and right because the conditions are not good enough. In February. In Western New York. In February.
It's a tad bit cold but we don't care cuz the sun is shining. Did I mention its February?
We've got other States, yes I said STATES! asking for advice on how to rid themselves of this white scourge that has plagued them. In the spirit of sharing, here's some advice on how to muddle thru...
- It's snow. It's going to melt.
- If you don't have to go out, don't. Simple, so far
- In the words of our esteemed former mayor, the late Jimmy Griffin "Stay inside, grab a six-pack and watch a good football game.” yes, its February. The fridge in the garage should have beer. What? you don't have a fridge in the garage just for beverages? You'll never survive here, man.
- Drive slower. And by slower, I mean "Don't Be A Dick!!!" ask The Spouse, that's my motto. for real!
- Don't clear out the driveway till the plow comes down the road. or you'll be doing it again later. while you're waiting for it refer to the Jimmy quote above.
- Help out your neighbor. Snowblow their sidewalk and driveway. Oh, right, you guys don't really have snowblowers just hanging around, huh? In that case just wave to your neighbors out the window.
Here in Buffalo, we need the snow. They started prepping the ice on Lake Erie for the Labatt Blue Pond Hockey Tournament. Started building the 8 rinks today. This event coincides with The Powder Keg Festival. which sounds like one awesome way to spend a weekend. Offspring #3, my festival buddy, and I will be going downtown to participate. In one way or another. There are, like a million things going on. An ice maze. broom ball, bubble hockey, pancake breakfasts...read the link, there's too much to post here. If you're in the area, I'll be the one waiting at the end of the Seneca St. exit ramp off The Skyway keep in mind there's a good reason this road is called The Skyway. think about it when #3 comes tubing down. TUBING DOWN THE EXIT RAMP OF THE SKYWAY! On a TUBE! how cool is that? If you click on this picture, you'll be able to see the top half of the ramp. Then it bears to the right and goes down and around. It's harrowing in a car, I can't imagine a tire tube!
I sure hope we have enough snow for that. Maybe we should send a couple of plows and trucks to DC under the guise of helping out and steal their snow.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Halftime Update
Stay tuned!!!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Why is it......
And when a bunch of guys do the same thing it's called a poker game?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
On This Date In History.....
... 33 years ago the big one, aptly named The Blizzard Of 77, hit. MotherNature celebrated by dumping 8 inches of snow on us last night. Party on MN, party on.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Here We Go, Sportsfans!
I should probably root for the Saints. We lived there for a couple of years. OffSpring #1 was born there. But I really have no feeling one way or the other. Whom ever wins, wins.
I do however have an interest in the score. And by interest I mean a bunch of money on more than a few pools. So, lets all put on our positive thinking caps and channel all our energy into these numbers...
(AFC first number - NFC second number)
8-2 (not feeling good about this one)
4-0 (not a bad number)
6-2 (really?)
0-0 (this one could be worth something, huh?)
5-2 (almost as likely at 6-2)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Today, I decided to sync up my iPod, cuz y'know, I got rid of some stuff, I added some stuff. Nothing major. I plug the iPod into the computer, it tells me its synching, when its ok to disconnect after the sync is complete and I unplug the iPod.
So far, so good.
Wait a minute....this thing is completely empty. Void of any melody. My computer just ERASED EVERYTHING!!!!
Ok, deep breaths....don't panic. Unplug it and resync. No big deal, breathe.... in and out....there you go.
Again nothing!!!
And yet again!!!
Resetting it didn't help. Twice. All the music is still on my computer, so why will nothing sync and download over???? Will it erase everything off my phone if I plug in to sync??? Just what the hell kind of conspiracy is going on here? Do I have gremlins in my iPod? Will Modern Family continue to be the funniest show on tv for a long time? I have questions, people...give me answers!!!!
Looks like I'll be going over to the Apple store. This could be a sign that I should invest in a new iPod. Hey, while I'm there I'll go over to Pottery Barn and check out the sideboards.
I can turn anything into a shopping trip.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I'm Shopping Right Now....
I need a place to keep all my Grandmother's China. Currently some of it is down in the basement collecting dust and the rest of it is in the cupboard above my stove. Along with all kinds of other crap that I keep jamming in there. Its a real adventure when you open this particular cupboard. You never know whats going to fall out. I'd really like to make that useable storage space for stuff I actually use instead of stuff I don't.
Two years ago I went to Buffalo China's big spring clearance. They sell off all the imperfect, but perfectly usable, stuff. I went nuts, considering that I'd never actually had a whole collection that matched. And this is all restaurant quality. I left with 12 each of bowls, plates, and BIG plates. I contemplated whether the BIG plates were going to fit in my dishwasher. I decided that they would and when I got home, I discovered that they DIDN'T FIT IN MY CUPBOARDS!!! Yeah...like I said....BIG plates 12" in diamater. They've been stored under an end table in my living room since I got them.
I found one at Ashley Furiture the other day. Picture this without the top hutch. I like it and all but I'm torn about the glass doors. I just dont know about those.

I really like this one from Ballard. I don't know who Ballard is or where they're located. I just found it online. And I dont really want to buy without seeing it first. But I really like it.

But this one here from Pottery Barn is by far my favorite...

I may take a run over to Pottery Barn tomorrow afternoon.