We've been swamped with parties at work, and we're putting in 12 hour days, and doing weekends and I've just not have time to update anything, so here goes......
Last week I noticed that the Yucca in the front yard had started sprouting. Not just one or two stalks...but SIX!
The whole house is sided. Love the color. The Spouse and His Buddy With The Bobcat spread 25 yards of dirt (Thats a LOT of friggin dirt) to level the terrain around the patio and slope it out to the back. He also got the grass seed spread and miracles of all miracles...its been raining ever since. Weather so far this spring/summer has been kinda crappy. One or two nice teaser days then not so much.

AND!!! The stucco guy game today and started the side walls. Doug will finish off the ceiling when stucco guy is done and then Kevin will come and install the lights and outlets and the fan and we'll be DONE!!! Well...we'll be done when Doug installs the bar.
Better to be too busy at work than not busy enough!
Love those yucca blooms...
I want nice weather in Buffalo next week - not too hot, not too humid (I have that here) - can you take care of that for me? LOL.
I'll work on the weather, cuz y'know, I have that kind of pull!
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