Well...it's Restaurant Week here in the Big Buff. What a brilliant idea. Here's the deal....a bunch *ok about 150* local, independent restaurants got together and said, hey...March is traditionally slow month for dining out, howzabout we get some kind of schtick going here to get people in....and restaurant week was born. For $20.09 *get it? it's 2009 and the price is $20.09* you can visit these establishment and get a really good meal. Most of these places, not all of them mind you, but a good number of them, are generally upscale places that local schlubs don't frequent too often. It seems to be working too. By all the accounts I've been hearing on the radio, each day a couple of local radio stations have had chefs and/or owners of these places on air promoting the concept, it's been a rousing success. They've all been packing people in. So, anyway, back to my story...Offspring #1 and I went to Cecelia's Ristorante and Martini Bar *operative word in making our choice being martini* tonite. Their deal was an appetizer or salad and an entree for $20.09. Can't beat that with a stick. And it was delicious! Of course our bar bill...two martini's each, French Cosmo for me and Pomegranate Martini for the kid, was just about as much as the food bill, but totally worth it.
I have to close now and hit the sheets....two martinis and food and now I'm tired!
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