The Spouse and I headed downtown early and we stopped at Dug's Dive for a beverage before the game. As it happened it was 2-4-1 happy hour from 3 till 6, so we had two. We're sitting there on the deck.....

For some reason....the windmills weren't working last night...none of them.

So, anyway...we're sitting on the deck, having a couple, relaxing, talking....

When all of a sudden, The Spouse lets out this belch....not a loud one, mind you, just a little beer burp...and out of the corner of my eye, I see it....this toxic cloud...coming right at me. I had no time to react. My eyes were watering and I think I threw up a little in my mouth. Gross! After he gets done laughing at me while I'm gasping for breathable air, he says..."oh, yeah, that reminds me, I went to lunch today with Joe Head of the Ice Rink and got the rink back...with a 3 year service contract". Apparently, the noxious fumes triggered his memory of the burger he had for lunch. To which I replied..."Nice. And you and your digestive system just made my blog, pal".
Nice night for a ball game, tho...and some interesting cloud color just as the sun was setting.
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