My Festival Companion a/k/a Offspring#3 and I just got back from The Taste of Buffalo. We went earlyish again to avoid the crowds and the heat. We escaped neither!!! Thankyajeeesis for the breeze off the natural airconditioner that is Lake Erie. In the words of my companion .. 'whewwww its hot out here'.
With food tickets purchased we start out on our culinary journey. Deep Fried Ravioli seemed like the best way to start things.
We were there, like, 10 minutes and one of the first stops we made was at Ms Goodies stand(also where we ended our trip, but more on that later)for an ear of roasted sweet corn. There's nothing like an ear of corn roasted over an open fire...love it love it. Anyway...#3 opens up the husks of her corn, takes one bite and this guy comes up between us with this news camera and starts taping her whilst she's munching on the corn...too cool."We just want to get you eating the corn" he says. And she's trying not to laugh while she's eating and she's got this little string of corn silk hanging off her lip and I'm having this Roseanne Rosannadanna moment with the 'little bitty corn silk just hangin' right there on her lip. It just wouldnt fall off...I thought I was gonna die!!" Now we have to watch Ch.7 News to see if she made the highlight reel. We continued down Delaware sampling a little of this and a little of that...all of it good.
Now back to Ms Goodies....when #3 was getting her ear, one of the other items being sold at the booth was a "Junkyard Dog". It looked really good and smelled even better, so I thought that perhaps I'd get one after we made the rounds and saw what the other wares were up and down the festival. Well,,,dontcha know, the Junkyard Dogs was on my mind the whole time and I decided that I had have one. Try this on for size.....
A piece of deep fried fish...done to perfection, I might add...topped with french fries, coleslaw and hot sauce, wrapped up in a lightly deep fried pita.
DING DING DING!!!!!! We have a winner!!! Unfreakingbelieveably DELICIOUS!!!
That thing pretty much did us in.
I'm going to take a nap
1 comment:
Hmmmmm! Next time I go back to visit, I want to try one of these. It sounds delicious.
You're going to be sad that I figured out how to do this ----- aren't you???? Kinda like all the Barack jokes - huh!
Kerry's going to be sad she showed me how to text!!!
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