Thursday, November 02, 2006


Driving home from work today, it occured to me that the landscape of our fair burg was looking pretty good after the debacle 3 weeks ago. Clean up crews are doing an outstanding job. Or I should say, have done an outstanding job. I think a lot of those guys went home. I really havent seen too many of those bigasscherrypicker trucks, and the absence of the brush piles makes the visual much nicer, but something was giving me a weird vibe.

Then it dawned on me.....

Most of the trees have shed their leaves. From the start of this whole thing, the trees were in all their glory, fall color wise. Pretty much the reason there was so much damage. And a lot of that damage you couldnt see, because of the leaves.

Now, there's a starkness. And rawness. Is that a word, rawness? Anyway....the visual is much different. Almost like any tree you look at has an open wound.

I'm really looking forward to spring.


Hans said...

Cheektowaga ?

Your village has such a wonderful name, indian source ?

Peggy said...

why yes... loosely translated from the Seneca-Erie...'place of the crabapple tree'

The Saboteur said...

Sometimes the earth lets you have it raw.