Sunday, February 28, 2010

Powder Keggin'

My Festival Buddy and me headed down to The Powder Keg Festival this afternoon. It was a gorgeous day. A little too gorgeous, tho, the Labatt Pond Hockey had to be cancelled today. They got yesterdays games in but there was a little too much snow yesterday and it was a little too warm and the ice just wasn't safe enough to play today.

Downtown was bustling. Lots of people. We had lunch at The Pearl Street Grill (pictured here, the hub of the activity) then hit the streets. *as always, click on the pic to make it bigger*

Lots of characters....the Abominable Snowman even showed up.

The tubing down the Seneca St. exit ramp of the Skyway was a big attraction. But, that too was a little mushy and slushy because of the warmness. But it didnt stop people from giving it a go. Not the best vantage point for a picture here, but its as close as I could get. The line was pretty long.

Broom Ball Tournament going full swing

Here's the incredible Ice Maze. Official dubbed by the Guinness World Book as the largest ice maze in the world. Yeah, I totally stole this picture from The PowderKeg website.
This is as close to the maze as we could get....the line started here...
wrapped around to here

then ended up waaaaaayyyy down there. No way were we waiting 90 minutes in line.

So we headed over to the beer tent. Good plan.

I think this is going to turn into quite a nice festival. Maybe a little earlier in the month might help with the snow and temperature conditions and maybe spread it out a little, but it was really cool to see all those people out and about downtown in the middle of winter. Good job Powder Keg People!
Things to make note of for next year. Different boots for me. I wasnt sure how dry my feet were going to be in the "Ugg" type boots I have (they havent really been tested in wet conditions), so I pulled a page from when we were kids and did the 'pair of socks, plastic bag, another pair of socks' thing just to be safe. Good thing I did. And draft beer still gives me a headache.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

When The Cat Is Away, The Mouse Turns Into A Slug

The Spouse left for his annual two week "Mikey Does Florida Golf Tour" this morning. I woke him up at 12:30 am. He was gone by 1:00. Since that time, I've.....
  • slept in, (till about 8)
  • had a cup of tea
  • took a nap
  • watched a movie....Splendor In The Grass
  • emptied the dishwasher
  • posted this

I think I'll take another nap, it's been a busy day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It Doesnt Happen Very Often....

.... when we as Western New Yorkers get to say it, but, this time, I really mean this with all my heart yes, this time....

It really sucks to be youse guys!!!!!

Here in The Buff, The B-Lo, The Queen City of the Lakes, The City With No Pity, There's a paltry 3 inches of snow on the ground, there's snowmobile events being cancelled left and right because the conditions are not good enough. In February. In Western New York. In February.

It's a tad bit cold but we don't care cuz the sun is shining. Did I mention its February?

We've got other States, yes I said STATES! asking for advice on how to rid themselves of this white scourge that has plagued them. In the spirit of sharing, here's some advice on how to muddle thru...

  • It's snow. It's going to melt.
  • If you don't have to go out, don't. Simple, so far
  • In the words of our esteemed former mayor, the late Jimmy Griffin "Stay inside, grab a six-pack and watch a good football game.” yes, its February. The fridge in the garage should have beer. What? you don't have a fridge in the garage just for beverages? You'll never survive here, man.
  • Drive slower. And by slower, I mean "Don't Be A Dick!!!" ask The Spouse, that's my motto. for real!
  • Don't clear out the driveway till the plow comes down the road. or you'll be doing it again later. while you're waiting for it refer to the Jimmy quote above.
  • Help out your neighbor. Snowblow their sidewalk and driveway. Oh, right, you guys don't really have snowblowers just hanging around, huh? In that case just wave to your neighbors out the window.

Here in Buffalo, we need the snow. They started prepping the ice on Lake Erie for the Labatt Blue Pond Hockey Tournament. Started building the 8 rinks today. This event coincides with The Powder Keg Festival. which sounds like one awesome way to spend a weekend. Offspring #3, my festival buddy, and I will be going downtown to participate. In one way or another. There are, like a million things going on. An ice maze. broom ball, bubble hockey, pancake the link, there's too much to post here. If you're in the area, I'll be the one waiting at the end of the Seneca St. exit ramp off The Skyway keep in mind there's a good reason this road is called The Skyway. think about it when #3 comes tubing down. TUBING DOWN THE EXIT RAMP OF THE SKYWAY! On a TUBE! how cool is that? If you click on this picture, you'll be able to see the top half of the ramp. Then it bears to the right and goes down and around. It's harrowing in a car, I can't imagine a tire tube!


I sure hope we have enough snow for that. Maybe we should send a couple of plows and trucks to DC under the guise of helping out and steal their snow.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Halftime Update

Won $$$ after the 0-0 for the first quarter. Would have won the second if the Saints had scored on that one drive.

Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


So, I go down into the dungeon in the basement to get my clothes out of the dryer.

I reach for the string for the light, and at THE VERY SECOND I touch the string, the dryer goes BUZZZZZZZZZZZ

Scared the crap out of me.

I think that qualifies for my cardio for the day.